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Yarn Rates
2/30 PV = 2372/40 PV = 2602/30 PV = 23015 PV = 183150/400 Cone Dyed = 1922/30 Ployster Con Dyed = 225150/ 400 Grey = 150300 HIM Cone Dyed = 180450 ATY = 1902/30 100% Polyester Grey = 1832/30 65/35 Black = 2502/30 65/35 Grey = 2202/40 65/35 Black = 2852/30 PV 65/35 Heavy Dark Dyed = 260
One Industry, One Voice: Garment Trade Associations across India want Group of Ministers (GoM) to ab . . .
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Apparel Industry upset with GoM's Proposed GST Hike as it will affect Growth
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RSWM appoints Rajeev Gupta as CEO to lead strategic growth & innovation
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ICAR-Central Institute for Research on Cotton Technology, Mumbai 400019
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